IT Service and Cybersecurity Experts – Leverage IT Group, LLC.

Real Ways That Managed IT Services Save You Money

Real Ways That Managed IT Services Save You Money

One question that small businesses often grapple with is how to handle their technology and juggle those costs with their overall budget.

Some DFW business owners think that taking a DIY approach will save them money because they’re just getting things fixed when needed, instead of paying a monthly fee.

But if you think of your IT infrastructure maintenance like vehicle maintenance, that approach would be akin to never getting an oil change until your car actually broke down. That repair would of course cost much more than all those regular oil changes.

The same is true of your technology. If you don’t have managed IT services with regular maintenance, security, and system health monitoring, you end up with breakdowns that cost you much more.

It’s estimated that a company pays about $5,000 a year for each unmanaged computer. Those costs add up fast when you consider emergency repair costs, potential cybersecurity incidents, lost productivity, and shorter equipment lifespan.

If you’re looking to make smart budgeting decisions for your company that can save you money, here are all the ways that signing up for managed IT services with Leverage IT Group can actually lower your overall IT costs and save you money.

All-Inclusive Rate

Rather than paying for your computer repairs, help desk support, antivirus, and more separately, you get all those services and more for one flat all-inclusive rate.

You know exactly what you’re paying each month with no surprises, which makes your IT costs much easier to budget for.

You end up paying much less by having all IT-related services bundled into one flat rate. Some of the many services included are:

  • 24/7 Help Desk Service
  • 24/7 Network Monitoring
  • Routine Maintenance
  • Cybersecurity Service
  • Compliance Management
  • Server/Network, PC & Mac Support
  • Backup & Disaster Recovery
  • Patch & Update Management
  • Proactive IT Health Reports
  • Dedicated Hardware Firewall
  • Corporate Antivirus
  • And more

Reduced Downtime

When you don’t have your technology properly managed, you inevitably suffer more downtime. Downtime comes in all shapes and sizes:

  • Crashed server or hard drive
  • Employees stuck with a software problem
  • Updates gone wrong
  • Problems connecting to networks or peripherals like printers

Each hour of downtime costs small businesses over $10,000 on average. Downtime is one of those major costs that companies tend not to factor into their IT decisions, which can cost them dearly.

The purpose of managed IT services is to keep your systems running smoothly by keeping them maintained and monitored. Well before any trouble can occur, we’re able to address a possible issue to avoid downtime.

Improved Employee Productivity

Employees waste an average of 22 minutes per day struggling with computer issues. That adds up to over 2 weeks per year in lost productivity per employee.

Without an IT helpdesk they can go to for support, your team can end up being stopped in their tracks due to a computer problem, losing productivity time that could be avoided.

With our 24/7 helpdesk support all your employees have the expert help they can rely on. Our fast response times help your team get through any problems quickly so they can get back to the task at hand.

Improved Equipment Longevity

The longer usable life you have from your computers and servers, the better your ROI, and more time you can wait before needing to purchase new devices.

When your computers and other hardware are being regularly maintained, they naturally last longer and stay faster and more efficient throughout their lifespan.

Reduced Risk of a Cyber Incident

A successful cyberattack costs businesses of all sizes an average of $200,000. While larger companies may be able to absorb this hit, many small businesses can’t and end up having to close their doors.

When companies are trying to handle IT security on their own, they can often miss important best practices and may suffer a ransomware attack or data breach as a result.

With worry-free managed IT support, cybersecurity is included so the risk of a cyber incident goes down considerably.

Safeguards that are included in your flat-rate plan include everything from a firewall to managed antivirus. Also included are protections against phishing attacks, like DNS filtering.

You Can Focus On Growing Your Business

When you have to put out IT fires throughout the week because you don’t have anyone managing your technology, that’s time away from focus on your business.

Companies can often stagnate and just “keep up” month after month if their focus is on emergencies rather than forward motion.

Using managed IT services ensures your technology is running smoothly and that you don’t have to be taken away from your business mission. Your IT environment is also tailored to help you achieve your business objectives.

Get All-Inclusive Flat Rate Managed IT Support Today

Leverage IT Group can make your IT worry free and help you save money each month on technology costs.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Call (469) 458-0559 or reach us online.


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